

OnOrbit has been an idea of the cofounders for quite some years, it’s serious development started in 2021. Here is the journey so far.

  • May 2021

    Market Research Phase

    SATSIM v0.0 started with market research, determining what the market wanted to do. We determined people were interested in building items virtually. Market research survey is stil available here We've exhaustively analysted a lot of data!

  • December 2021

    SATSIM Mockups

    The process for mocking up an interactive space lab for use by highschool students and space enthusiasts begins. 6 Screens made in Adobe Illustrator are showcased here

  • February 2021 - April 2022

    SATSIM v0.1

    A web-based pathfinder prototype is launched with a bunch of interesting ideas, linked to Google Firebase and Analytics and feedback forms and is sent to our alpha testers. Feedback collated. You can access it here

  • February 2021 - April 2022

    SATSIM v0.2

    Based on feedback from SATSIM v0.1, we removed a lot of the extra screen information and removed unneccesary features. Sent out to market on

  • May 2022 - December 2023

    SATSIM v0.3

    Development begins on Unity platform.
    Watch this space.
    v0.31 - Assembly Module
    v0.32 - Parts Module
    v0.33 - Deployment Module
    And so on until we reached v1.0

  • January 2023 - August 2023

    SATSIM progresses through v1.0 to v3.3 in Preparation for Release to Early Release

    Many bugs, many iterations, many models, many missions! It's all been quite a journey. We published our demo to the STEAM website, aiming for early access in April 2024, but that now looks ambitious. We are hoping for Early Access by August 2024.

  • October 2023

    Rebranding from SATSIM to OnOrbit & Public Launch of Wishlist Campaign

    SATSIM was a highly specific name for what our game has become. To include all the other aspect of spacecraft, we've rebranded to the name OnOrbit.

We’re a space startup looking to develop space ideas for the benefit of humanity.